When it comes to discovering or consuming real-time content, Twitter is the place to be; be it sending out ‘Tweets’ real-time, or discovering latest online ‘Trends’ anywhere, or ability to begin a ‘conversation’ with anyone, Twitter does it all. In fact, Twitter Management wrote this in their letter to shareholders last year.

We’re focused now on what Twitter does best: live. Twitter is live: live commentary, live connections, live conversations. Whether it’s breaking news, entertainment, sports, or everyday topics, hearing about and watching a live event unfold is the fastest way to understand the power of Twitter.

Twitter has always been considered a “second screen” for what’s happening in the world and we believe we can become the first screen for everything that’s happening now. And by doing so, we believe we can build the planet’s largest daily connected audience. A connected audience is one that watches together, and can talk with one another in real-time. It’s what Twitter has provided for close to 10 years, and it’s what we will continue to drive in the future

Embedded in a Twitter User’s Social-graph is a wealth of information on user’s likes and interests, and also implicit social-circles. Unlike Facebook or LinkedIn, the uniqueness of Twitter is in its ‘Follow’ structure - where any can follow any without they knowing each other. This directed social-graph, when methodologically summarized, can reveal interesting information on the most influential/central friends in one’s network and also help enrich one’s Twitter experience by surfacing implicit social-circles in the network.

In this blog, we’ll look into below topics:

  1. Extract the ego-network of ‘self’ using Twitter API
  2. Identify the influential nodes using ‘Page Rank’ formulation
  3. Identify implicit clusters formed
  4. Recommend new friends to follow on the basis of influential-nodes in cluster of interest

Note 1: This analysis is limited to ego network i.e. the focal node (ego: here the self-node) and the nodes to whom ego is directly connected to (alters) plus the ties, if any, among the alters.

Note 2: Complete Jupyter Notebook with Python source-code and intermediate-outputs are posted here. This blog includes only snippets of Python code. Plots and tables are redrawn/re-rendered in R while composing this R Markdown document.

1. Extract social-graph strucutre using Twitter API

Twitter API is used to extract the data of ego-network i.e. the nodes followed by self (that’s me), and first-degree ‘Follows’ of those nodes. This Graph of (Vertices, Edges) is used to build an adjacency matrix.

2. Identify influential friends using ‘Page Rank’ formulation

From the adjacency matrix, we can create a column-stochastic matrix (aka Markov transition matrix in random-surfer model) such that, a column with m outlinks will have 1/m as value in respective m cells.

binaryMap_cfr      = binaryMap_rfc.transpose()            # column-values: Outlinks
binaryMap_cfr_norm = binaryMap_cfr / binaryMap_cfr.sum(axis = 0)
colStochMatrix = np.matrix( binaryMap_cfr_norm.fillna(0)) # column-stochastic-matrix

Initialize PageRank vector such that all nodes have equal PageRank score, adding upto 1.

pageRankVector = np.matrix([1.0/len(index)] *  len(index)) # iniitialize page-rank-vector 
pageRankVector = pageRankVector.transpose()                # transpose to column-vector

On applying Transition-matrix transformation iteratively on PageRank vector, vector will eventully converge such that: Matrix.Vector = Vector. Equivalently, this is eigen-vector formulation with PageRank vector being the principal eigen-vector corresponding to eigen-value 1 [Since it’s a column-stochastic matrix, principal eigen-value is 1].

Note : To understand how PageRank works, this interactive tutorial from Setosa is a good place to start.

while epsilon > (1.0/(10**16)):
    pageRankVectorUpdating = colStochMatrix * pageRankVector * beta 
    # re-insert leaked page-ranks
    S                      = np.array(pageRankVectorUpdating).sum()                      
    pageRankVectorUpdated  = pageRankVectorUpdating + 
               (1 - S) * (1.0/len(index)) * np.ones_like(len(index))
    # compute the squared-difference and check for convergence
    error                  = np.array(pageRankVectorUpdated - pageRankVector)
    epsilon                = np.sqrt((error *  error).sum())   
    pageRankVector         = pageRankVectorUpdated    
Sum of Page-Rank Scores: 1.0
Converged in 58 iterations

2a. Histogram of PageRank scores

Let’s visualize distribution of scaled PageRank scores (scaled such that nodes have an average-score of 1). The plot gives an idea of how influential are the nodes, with respect to an average node (of say PageRank score = 1).

Most influential nodes, by PageRank:
Table 1: Most influential nodes
PageRank UserName FullName Inlinks Outlinks Followers Friends Location
0.014 elonmusk Elon Musk 201 4 9 M 41 Boring
0.012 BillGates Bill Gates 168 16 35 M 183 Seattle, WA
0.012 pmarca Marc Andreessen 192 24 645 K 13952 Menlo Park, CA
0.010 Snowden Edward Snowden 97 0 3 M 1
0.010 timoreilly Tim O’Reilly 178 132 2 M 1709 Oakland, CA
Summary of Top nodes, by PageRank:
Table 2: Top nodes by PageRank
1 2 3 4 5 6
Elon Musk Reid Hoffman Sam Altman Tim Urban Microsoft Research Brian Chesky
Bill Gates Bill Gurley Steven Levy Joi Ito John Markoff Max Roser
Marc Andreessen Eric Schmidt Chris Anderson Benedict Evans Neil deGrasse Tyson Bradley Horowitz
Edward Snowden Paul Graham Hilary Mason Brad Stone Charlie Rose Show Steven Sinofsky
Tim O’Reilly Vinod Khosla OpenAI NassimNicholasTaleb Bill Gross Gabe Rivera
WIRED Om Malik Steve Case Josh Kopelman danah boyd Walt Mossberg
Nate Silver TechCrunch Sundar Pichai DAVE MORIN Pierre Omidyar Steven Pinker
Chris Dixon Ben Horowitz Patrick Collison Hunter Walk Emily Chang Keith Rabois
Fred Wilson Kara Swisher Max Levchin Y Combinator dj patil Andrew Ng
Ev Williams Chris Sacca Nick Bilton Lessig Ben Thompson Glenn Greenwald

3. Identify implicit clusters

Ideally, the number of clusters are decided using a plot of within-cluster sum-of-squares-of-distances vs number of clusters. Here for simplicity, we use a simple heuristic to fix the number of clusters in advance (~ 10 clusters)

Here we are more interested in clustering behavior which surfaces from who-follows-me (network-driven) graph, rather than who-do-I-follow (self-driven). So the plan is to represent nodes as Observations and whether other nodes follow them or not (1 or 0) as Features (One Observation per row, and one Feature per column) Thus the input matrix must be such that any value in cell implies whether node in the column follows node in the row.

3a. K-Means clustering

K Means is a point-assignment based clustering-algorithm: here we start with k points chosen randomly as centroids and then assign the remaining points to k centroids by using certain distance measure (Euclidean / Cosine / Jaccardi). Then we compute new centroids, re-assign remaining points and repeat, until centroids converge.

est = KMeans(max_iter = 100000, n_clusters = n_clusters, n_init = 200, init='k-means++')  
results_df['kmeans'] = est.fit_predict(binaryMap_cfr)
Table 3: K-Means clusters
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Edward Sno Tim Urban John D Hilary Mas OpenAI Elon Musk WIRED Mike Bosto NassimNich
Nate Silve Tim Ferris Lynn Chern dj patil Microsoft Bill Gates Eric Schmi Gilad Lota Neil deGra
Sundar Pic GV Ben Hamner Jeff Hamme Andrew Ng Marc Andre TechCrunch Jeffrey He Max Roser
Patrick Co Mike Bloom David Smit Drew Conwa Yann LeCun Tim O’Reil Steven Lev Martin Wat Steven Pin
Nick Bilto Garry Tan Fernando P Wes McKinn Google Res Chris Dixo Chris Ande Andrew Gel Glenn Gree
Benedict E Joe Gebbia Andreas Mu Monica Rog Sebastian Fred Wilso Steve Case Fernanda V Atul Gawan
Brad Stone Yves Behar Kaggle Hadley Wic Fei Ev William Joi Ito Steven Str EFF
Josh Kopel Ashlee Van John Forem Sean J Andrej Kar Reid Hoffm Lessig Duncan Wat Kevin Kell
DAVE MORIN Dustin Mos Jake Vande Nathan Yau Shivon Zil Bill Gurle John Marko Kenneth Cu Tim Berner
Hunter Wal Balaji S Scientific Peter Skom Pedro Domi Paul Graha Bill Gross Sinan Aral Edward Tuf
* Each column is a unique cluster found by algorithm
Nodes arranged such that highest PageRank score is at top

3b. Spectral clustering

One problem in K-Means algorithm is Curse of Dimensionality i.e. at higher-dimensions (here ~400 dimensions), any metric like ‘Euclidean distance’ or ‘Centre’ would have little meaning in the context of non-convex region.

On the other hand, Spectral Clustering attempts to partition the graph such that number of edges which connect different components are minimized. It uses eign-vector based approach to partition the graph. Below is the output from Spectral Clustering.

spectral = cluster.SpectralClustering(n_clusters=n_clusters,  n_init = 500,
results_df['spectral'] = spectral.labels_.astype(np.int)
Table 4: Spectral Algo clusters
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
dj patil Lynn Cherny Tim O’Reill Nate Silver Hilary Maso Elon Musk Edward Snow Andrew Ng Luke Wroble
Jeff Hammer Ben Hamner Ev Williams Sundar Pich Drew Conway Bill Gates WIRED Yann LeCun Mat
Monica Roga Olivier Gri Bill Gurley Patrick Col Wes McKinne Marc Andree Eric Schmid Fei Julie Zhuo
Peter Skomo Fernando Pe Om Malik Benedict Ev Hadley Wick Chris Dixon Vinod Khosl Andrej Karp Jon Wiley
Michael E Andreas Mue Kara Swishe Y Combinato Sean J Fred Wilson TechCrunch Stanford NL Daniel Burk
bradford cr Jake Vander Chris Sacca Emily Chang Nathan Yau Reid Hoffma Chris Ander John Platt Braden Kowi
Jeremy Howa Scientific Steven Levy Ben Thompso John Myles Paul Graham OpenAI Richard Google Desi
Mike Olson Sebastian R Nick Bilton Brian Chesk chris wiggi Ben Horowit Steve Case Oren Etzion Josh Brewer
Anthony Gol Trey Causey Josh Kopelm Steven Sino Ben Lorica Sam Altman Tim Urban Ian Goodfel Jake Knapp
Joe Hellers Joshua Bloo DAVE MORIN Tony Fadell Josh Wills Max Levchin Joi Ito Nando de Fr John Zerats
* Each column is a unique cluster found by algorithm
Nodes arranged such that highest PageRank score is at top

Let’s try to assign meaning to algorithmically labeled clusters: We can see that the nodes into Deep Learning have grouped into Cluster 8, Python Machine Learning into Cluster 2, Product-Design into Cluster 9, general Data Science into Clusters 0, 5.

3c. Principal Component Analysis

To handle the Curse of dimensionality problem inherent in higher dimensions, PCA is used to reduce data into fewer dimensions with some loss in variance - this helps in faster and effective computation while running clustering algorithm, as well as better visualizing of data. PCA uses eigen-vector based approach to reduce high-dimensional data.

pca = PCA(n_components=3)
Xproj = pca.fit_transform(binaryMap_cfr)

print("Explained-variance, Proportion of Explained-variance in 3 dims [dim1 dim2 dim3]")
print(pca.explained_variance_, pca.explained_variance_ratio_)
Explained-variance, Proportion of Explained-variance in 3 dims [dim1 dim2 dim3]
[ 7.09266174  3.16212677  1.21891396] [ 0.18363161  0.08186862  0.03155813]

3d. Spectral-clustering outcome, visualized in 2 dimensions:

( Pick appropriate ‘Tool’ in the right panel to better interact with plot. Pan: To drag plot-area. BoxZoom: To zoom into a box area WheelZoom: Zoom into mouse-focus area by mouse-scroll)

More on Clustering: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/clustering.html

4. Recommend new friends to follow

Now that we have PageRank of nodes and clusters they belong to, we can ask for recommendations on the basis of nodes followed by top-ranked nodes, across graph or specific to a cluster of interest.

4a. Who To Follow | Using full Ego-Network

Table 5: After looking at top nodes by PageRank
FullName Freq Created Followers Friends Location UserName
Medium 67 May-12 2 M 78 San Francisco, Medium
Barack Obama 67 Mar-07 89 M 629775 Washington, DC BarackObama
Aaron Levie 52 Mar-07 2 M 423 Palo Alto levie
Clay Shirky 51 May-07 366 K 749 Shanghai cshirky
Mitch Kapor 47 Mar-07 116 K 553 Oakland mkapor
The New York Times 45 Mar-07 37 M 894 New York City nytimes
jack 45 Mar-06 4 M 2791 California, USA jack
marissamayer 44 Nov-08 2 M 350 San Francisco, marissamayer
Stewart Butterfield 43 Sep-06 65 K 2418 West coast stewart
Anil Dash 40 Dec-06 613 K 4684 NYC anildash
* Sorted by Frequency (Number of friend-nodes who follow the new node)

4b. Who To Follow | Using Data-Science cluster (from Spectral algo)

Table 6: After looking at top PageRank nodes in Data-clusters
FullName Freq Created Followers Friends Location UserName
Pete Warden 21 May-08 12 K 1559 San Francisco, petewarden
Hanna Wallach 19 Sep-12 8 K 795 Brooklyn, NY hannawallach
Barack Obama 19 Mar-07 89 M 629775 Washington, DC BarackObama
Alex Smola 19 Jun-08 9 K 48 Mountain View a smolix
Hal Daum<e9> III 18 Jun-10 9 K 1017 Washington DC haldaume3
Chris Diehl 17 Apr-08 4 K 999 San Francisco B ChrisDiehl
Julie Steele 17 Mar-08 4 K 913 NYC and Provide jsteeleeditor
Joseph Adler 17 Apr-08 2 K 623 Silicon Valley jadler
joseph reisinger 17 Jul-09 2 K 686 josephreisinger
Daniel Tunkelang 16 Aug-08 8 K 20 Mountain View dtunkelang
* Sorted by Frequency (Number of friend-nodes who follow the new node)

4c. Who To Follow | Using Design cluster (from Spectral algo)

Table 7: After looking at top PageRank nodes in Design-clusters
FullName Freq Created Followers Friends Location UserName
Nicholas Jitkoff 8 Jan-07 5 K 204 Palo Alto, CA alcor
John Maeda 8 Jul-08 439 K 21724 WordPressLandia johnmaeda
Joshua Porter 7 Mar-07 34 K 817 Newburyport, MA bokardo
Khoi Vinh 7 Dec-06 347 K 2347 New York, NY khoi
Brett Lider 7 Dec-08 7 K 947 San Francisco, bl
Margaret Stewart 7 Mar-07 13 K 862 Bay Area, CA mags
Paul Stamatiou 7 Jan-07 34 K 599 San Francisco, Stammy
GV Design 7 Aug-11 18 K 515 San Francisco, GVDesignTeam
Marc Hemeon 6 Jan-09 17 K 3322 Southern Califo hemeon
Michael Leggett 6 Mar-07 8 K 209 Seattle leggett
* Sorted by Frequency (Number of friend-nodes who follow the new node)